  1. Skins
  2. Skinning Nova - Customizing


Skinning Nova - Customizing

Nova's bundled skins now allow for more personalization.

The included Pulsar and Titan skins released with Nova 2.7 were given a much-needed visual refresh. In addition, there are some customization options that make it easier to personalize your site.

Changing the header logo

If you want to change the logo used in the header of the skin or at the top of the login page, you can upload an image named logo into the dist/images folder of the Pulsar or Titan skins. The skin will see that image and use it instead of the included Nova logo. Supported file formats for replacing the header logo are PNG, SVG, or JPG.

Changing the skin colors

Sometimes you don't need to make wholesale changes to a skin and just want to update the colors. The Pulsar and Titan skins leverage CSS variables to make it simpler to change the colors used throughout the skins.

Generating a new color palette

There are a lot of websites that allow you to create color palettes. We recommend using since it's simple to use and will output colors in a way that is compatible with Tailwind CSS.

Enter the color you want to use as the base for your color palette and it will create the full color scale for you. You're welcome to edit the colors to your liking. When you're done, you'll need to export the colors and copy the output (which should look like the below block of code) into a separate text document:

1'royal-blue': {
2 '50': '#f0f4fe',
3 '100': '#dde6fc',
4 '200': '#c3d4fa',
5 '300': '#99b9f7',
6 '400': '#6995f1',
7 '500': '#406ceb',
8 '600': '#3051e0',
9 '700': '#273fce',
10 '800': '#2634a7',
11 '900': '#243184',

You can delete the 900 record as we will not use that one.

Convert the colors to RGB

Once you have a color palette, you'll need to convert the hex colors to RGB values. This is done so that we can use background opacity on the colors properly.

  • Copy the 50 hex value (#f0f4fe in the example above)
  • Paste into the converter
  • Convert to RGB
  • Take the 3 values and put them next to the hex value, separated by commas, for easy copying later in the text document you created
1'royal-blue': {
2 '50': '#f0f4fe', 240, 244, 254
3 ...

Update the CSS variables

Open dist/css/colors.css of the Pulsar or Titan skins. In there, you'll see a complete list of the CSS color variables. We use a primary color and then colors for different states (success, danger, warning, and info). Do not change the name of the CSS variables as that will break the skins.

To finish the process, go down the list and replace the values with the comma-separate RGB values. For example, you'll take the RGB value for the 50 item and paste it into the 100 value. After you've done the first value, it should look something like this:

1:root {
2 --primary-100: 240, 244, 254;
3 ...

Continue working through the variables (being careful to pay attention to which colors you're updating) and update all 9 shades of the color palette. Save the document and make sure it's uploaded to the server. Refresh your site and you should see the new colors. You can do this for any or all of the available color variables to customize the look of your site.

Update SVG icons

If you've gone through the process above and refreshed your skin, you probably noticed that the icons in the upper right hand corner when logged in (known as the workflow panel) don't match your skin.

Pulsar and Titan have switched to using SVG icons instead of PNGs for those icons. While this provides a cleaner, more modern look, colors had to be hard-coded into the SVGs files to avoid breaking changes to all skins. Fortunately, updating the colors is a relatively easy change.

SVGs are different from other image formats due to the fact that they're actually code. That provides a lot of flexibility with how they get styled. In order to change the colors of your workflow icons, you can simply open them in the text editor of your choice.

The icons that you'll need to edit are:

  • dist/images/panel-dashboard.svg
  • dist/images/panel-inbox.svg
  • dist/images/panel-writing.svg

Once you've opened the images in your text editor, you'll want to find one the hex color that matches the skin you're modifying.

  • Pulsar uses a fill color of #82937b
  • Titan uses a fill color of #22d0ee

These hex colors only appear one time in each of the 3 SVGs files, so you can find the first instance and swap the hex color with whatever hex color you'd like to use for those icons.

Save the file and make sure it's uploaded to your server and you're good to go.